0 votes
in Touch Interface by (300 points)

hab mir die Weterstation color zugelegt und soweit auch angeschlossen und Programmiert.
Läuft soweit auch und kommen auch Wetterdaten /Symbole ...
2 Probleme hab ich nun

Die Uhrzeit passt nicht kommt immer 01:00:00 datum ist 1970
Hab ich was vegessen ein zu stellen?

Der Touch bildschirm kommt nicht mehr zurück wenn er mal im Bildschirmmodus ist,
woran könnte das liegen?

sorry das ich in deutsch schreibe
aber da gehts leichter

3 Answers

0 votes
by (10.8k points)

I am not against German, it's just that more people can profit if I answer in English, I hope you don't mind:-)

1) You don't get the time, only 01:00:00 and date is 1970
Answer: it looks as if your time could not be synchronized with a time server. I had such a problem in my companies network where I had to use the network internal NTP server. Another problem might be that you did a mistake with the daylight saving configuration in settings.h Did you change something there? I would expect that the Zurich time zone should work for you as well.
Coming back to the assumption that ESP cannot reach the NTP server. Are you in the same network as the ESP? What operating system do you have? Try if it works with German NTP servers. Take them from here: http://www.pool.ntp.org/zone/de Then replace them with what I have defined in settings.h in this line: 
#define NTP_SERVERS "0.ch.pool.ntp.org", "1.ch.pool.ntp.org", "2.ch.pool.ntp.org"
If you have a Windows machine, try to follow these instructions to check if you can reach the NTP server of your choice: https://superuser.com/questions/451018/how-can-i-query-an-ntp-server-under-windows
On a Mac you can use this command: sntp 0.ch.pool.ntp.org

2) The touch screen doesn't come back when if it is in screen mode once
Not quite sure what you mean. Can you explain a bit more (even in German, if you like)

0 votes
by (300 points)
Hello Daniel,
no problem. But its was easyer :-)
In the moment (test) I youse it in the Companynetwork. But we have one Open Network to the Internet.
That I use.
I use ure Original setup, only Wifi and Weather key.
The Timeserver i did't chance.
wen the Sreensaver (60) comes , I did't come back to the Sreens.
Only the Time sweeps up and down.
When i push vor a short time the other screen is comming. But its go away to the sreensaver with the Time.


0 votes
by (10.8k points)
Hi Markus

This issue looks like yours. Could you also please run the diagnostics program and post the serial console output in this thread?

by (300 points)
Withe the last scetch runs well.

The problem with the time and the date are not fixed.
How can I check the NTP?
I give other servers in the setup but no change :-(

I verify it in the company and at home with Divernt Networks, but everyone the same.

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